Tag: Buddhism

A review that focuses on the Buddhist principles that appear in the book and the reviewer's own application of the concepts in the book.
History and poetry related to two temples in Kyoto.
The author writes of her relationship with the Heart Sutra.
An energizing read on the Heart Sutra is reviewed.
WiK event with Robert Schumacher who spoke on his lifework.
A talk on research being done on the first outreach by Zen practitioners in Japan to Western foreigners.
An introduction from Reggie Pawle, who writes on a variety of subjects, mostly connected to cultural issues and to the integration of Western psychology with the Asian traditions, focusing on Zen, Japanese culture, and Daoism.
A description of the author's undertaking and maintaining of the Shiraishi Pilgrimage in Shikoku.
A report on an a WIK event held with Brian Daizen Victoria, a Soto Zen priest.
An introduction to Ruth Fuller Sasaki who was known as the "Mother of American Buddhism."
An introduction to Harold Stewart and a few of his poems.
An excerpt from Pico Iyer's The Lady and the Monk, published in 1992.