Tag: Basho

Basho renku on the nuns of Gio-ji.
Commentary and poems from Basho on young girls and kimono.
Haiku and renku on cats and dogs from Basho, with commentary from Jeff Robbins.
Basho on women and childbearing.
A collection of Basho works on the new year with commentary from Jeff Robbins.
Basho's writing guidance on how to make a haiku.
Detailed description of WIK's Basho Colloquium with talks from Stephen Gill, Jeff Robbins, and Robert Wittkamp.
Basho's letters to Uko with commentary from Jeff Robbins.
Translation and commentary on four Basho linked verses.
Translation and commentary on Basho's haiku, renku, prose, and letters.
A collection of six haiku written by Buson presumably during literary events at Konpukuji.
Commentary and poems from Basho in Zeze.
A description of a joint hiking and haiku event with Hailstone Haiku Circle and WIK.
A Basho haibun and commentary.
Q&A with Jeff Robbins on his translations and compilations of Basho.
Basho's haiku on Kyoto with commentary.
A collection of poems from Basho in both English and Japanese.