Category: Nonfiction

Part 2 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
Mizukami Tsutomu
Part 1 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
Description of a pleasant afternoon which includes an unplanned visit to a textile studio.
The tribulations of the Japanese bath.
Kayaking, poetry and camping in caves. Adventures galore!
Description of a trip to Cape Muroto in Shikoku.
A short piece on a bonze-ridden town.
An introduction to the artwork of Rebecca Otowa.
A photo essay on a visit to Okinawa.
A biographical sketch of one of Lafcadio Hearn's students.
More on Alan Watts and his connection to Kyoto.
Review of a travelogue on train journeys in Japan that is oh so much more than just a travel guide.
Kerr on places he'd rather you not visit. Instead he offers wonderful descriptions.
A reflection an aging.
An excerpt from the self-published volume A tiny nature – recollections of poems and trees.
On staying near Shisendō and the many discoveries made.
An excerpt from a memoir in progress on learning to read in Japan.
Writing and reflections on listening and life.
A short piece on family dynamics and culture.
On living alone together.
The cherry blossom season in Kyoto is both celebrated and dreaded by the author.
Words and photos from the author's latest publication.