Category: Introductions

The third installment of a series on Japanese writers of Kyoto.
Part 2 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
Mizukami Tsutomu
Part 1 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
An introduction to the artwork of Rebecca Otowa.
A biographical sketch of one of Lafcadio Hearn's students.
A link to an article for Asia Nikkei which serves as a comprehensive overview of the works and lives of foreign women writers in Japan, both past and present.
A Q&A with the author of Kanazawa.
Announcement of a very special print issue of Kyoto Journal.
An introduction to a noted educator and writer from Kyoto.
WIK members discuss Donald Richie.
A piece on the life of a Kyoto film director.
Introduction to a Kyoto street photographer and announcement of exhibit.
Introduction to a translator of English and Irish literature and part-time event writer for The Japan Times.
An introduction to both the man and his publications.
A photographer and writer who came to Japan at the end of the 1970s.
Q & A with a Reuters journalist.
Introduction to a British writer, poet and tutor who lives in Bristol.
On Nicolas Bouvier's sojourn in Kyoto.
All about WIK membership secretary and the success she's found as a writer.
A description of the Kyoto Netsuke Museum located near Mibudera.
A biographical essay on the 75th emperor of Japan (reigned 1123-1142).
Introduction to Ms. Conti, a painter and calligrapher whose artwork is represented in numerous public, private and corporate collections and museums in the United States and internationally.
Extracts from pages 340-342 of In My Own Way, the autobiography of Alan Watts.
An introduction to Loti and his writing.