Author: John Dougill

Introduction to a Kyoto street photographer and announcement of exhibit.
Description of a walk in a park and what it wrought.
Photos and description of a modern day pilgrimage.
Introduction to a translator of English and Irish literature and part-time event writer for The Japan Times.
An introduction to both the man and his publications.
A report on the Zoom talk by Matthew Stavros.
Dougill presents a new work that he edited that takes the reader on a literary journey through 12 centuries of Kyoto.
A photographer and writer who came to Japan at the end of the 1970s.
Tanka written on the Bristol harbourside.
Kyoto Journal announcement with content description.
An energizing read on the Heart Sutra is reviewed.
What the witches were up to.
Celebratory event with author presentations.
Poetry and photos from Lake Biwa.
A travel piece on a distant island.
Q & A with a Reuters journalist.
The second part of a draft of the first chapter of a novel.
A draft of the first chapter of a novel.
A description of life in Himeji.
Limericks liberated from form.
Part One of a short story set in a music store in Kyoto.
A reflection on the current pandemic and other plagues.
A translation of a piece by Sōseki.
Commentary and translation of a work by Sōseki on Kyoto.