Author: John Dougill

Zoom event report.
A comprehensive look at Uji through the eyes of three foreign women.
An introduction to a noted educator and writer from Kyoto.
A reflection on the role of shadow and light in Japanese culture and belief.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
Annotated list and links to WIK member publications.
A thorough report on six years of WIK.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
Immigration trials and tribulations and a seemingly endless pandemic.
On Chancery Lane and youth in a city.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
A spring walk from Ohara to Kurama-dera.
Announcement of a photo exhibition.
A scary tunnel.
A piece on the impermanence of life.
Zoom event description.
A review of a book on wood in Japan including types of wood, history and more.
WIK members discuss Donald Richie.
A piece on the life of a Kyoto film director.
A five minute guided tour through a selection of Kyoto's remarkable literary heritage.
Commentary on a Lafcadio Hearn story.
A wonderfully informative piece on haiku and the author's adventures.
The story of how a book cover came to be.
Kawano astutely notes some of the differences between the customs and people in Tokyo and Kyoto.