Author: John Dougill

WIK event description.
The tribulations of the Japanese bath.
WIK event announcement.
WIK event announcement.
WIK event announcement.
WIK Zoom event announcement.
WIK Event announcement.
WIK event announcement.
A biographical sketch of one of Lafcadio Hearn's students.
Three Kyoto haiku with photos.
More on Alan Watts and his connection to Kyoto.
WIK event report.
A review of the author's second novel set in a rural town near Kanazawa.
Report on a convivial and literary gathering.
Report on a WIK presentation by a prolific writer and gardener.
An excerpt from the self-published volume A tiny nature – recollections of poems and trees.
On meeting bears in Kamikochi.
A short piece on family dynamics and culture.
A selection of poems on forest bathing.
Report on a Lunchtime Talk by Cody Poulton.
A biographical sketch of a notable anime director.
Beautiful photos and poems on Lake Biwa.
On meeting friends of a sort at Yarikuri.