Prayer –From tears to smiles—

Haiku and photos through the seasons.

Haiku and photos


Interminable queues
of displaced people—                                                
blizzard-ridden road                                                      
Mother and baby                                                        
carried off by the attacks—                                       
trampled winter roses                                                  
 War turns gentle siblings                             
into crazed soldiers—                                  
a frozen battlefield                                                    
 Soldiers loot,                                                              
for their loved ones…                                                
furious snowstorm                                                       
A doll in red                                                                
on a muddy snowmelt road —                            
immobilized tanks                                                         
Raging winter rain                                                      
to the ashen landscape—                            
endless tears                                                               
Evacuees’ singing                                               
echoes through the frozen air—                  
the Snow Queen’s “Let it go” 


The spring sun   
to both Ukraine and Russia—
more tears, more sorrows
Even plant buds             
have been scorched—                                        
silent devastation                                                      
Spring rain—                                                    
the shattered dreams of                              
a young soldier                                             
New grass time and again                  
trampled down—                           
yet still it keeps growing                
Sunflower seeds                                  
sown in a battlefield—                                      
longing for summer          
And… again, winter

Soldiers’ mums
stand against the Ukraine war—
winter comes again
Chess pieces
Scattered on a snowy road—
the battles continue
New Year’s greetings
from the battlefield…
smiles and tears
On a New Year ’s Day—
a white pigeon takes off
towards a rainbow

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