Reminder: Eighth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition Deadline (March 31st)

Deadline reminder.

Calling all Writers! This is a reminder of the March 31st deadline to submit your “short shorts” to our panel of judges for consideration. The Annual Kyoto Writing Competition is one of WiK’s biggest events and attracts a large global readership. An array of exciting prizes (including the prestigious Kyoto City Mayoral Prize) is waiting for successful participants. We accept English-language submissions in any genre from across the world. You do not need to be located in Kyoto to participate, but we do look for submissions which show a connection with Kyoto. Think you have what it takes to impress? Please refer to this link for detailed information about submission guidelines, prizes, and winning submissions from previous years. We encourage all of our readers to participate and to share this information with your social networks, and we look forward to hearing from you very soon!

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