WiK 2016 competition

A competition entry from WIlliam Adams.

The following were submitted by independent filmmaker and freelance translator, William Adams, currently based in Miyazaki.  Judges were impressed by the original and stimulating nature of the entry, though in the end the prizes went elsewhere.  Nevertheless the submissions show what can be accomplished in less than 300 words with a little touch of verve (and perhaps a lot of bourbon)….

Keywords: Kyoto.

Title: The Thousand-year Capital.

Hue: Aged.

Bureau: Art.

Hours: Kyoto at night.

Kyoto is_

Kyoto is famous for

Kyoto is in what prefecture

Kyoto is known for

Kyoto is tokyo backwards

Kyoto is ovrerrated

Tranquillity ravaged.
Scenic Kyoto temples with Latin spirits.
Few artists of mere windshield shine fame.
Kyoto for Kyoto.
Tourism. Ancient. Unequivocally.
Kyoto travelers quote Kyoto girls’ tongues;
invade their palaces; overload their grids.
Kyoto written off as a hooded off-market Kioto.
An international buffet of Kiotos.
Weeping dialect raids a strong year.
477 kimono instantly from Germany.
Leaf day in Ukyo-ku verse; academic menu in Nijo;
pools of artists scattering in the gardens of Nanzen-ji.

Kyoto’s country.

A long-hooded Buddhist at the A Station.

City canals forecasted for Kyoto in 1002.

A village in Kyoto defined by its zoo; its temple; its every UNESCO.

Unlimited men and days.

Kyoto complexes. Kyoto quotes. Kyoto forecasts inscribed in paper museums.

Once upon the concentration in Matsugasaki Temple,

written until keage connected, retaining Japanese Buddhists in 794.

Nintendo woman helps Karasuma across a Kyoto Shinkansen intersection.

Capital places have the longest hours in Kyoto.

Strong and slow are the whimsy.

One line in Kyoto.

Significant circumstances make for Airport movements.

  1. Miyako.

Blog about the Kyoto Azalea.

A trove of long ordinances.

So begins Miyako.

Temples brightly draining south.
I for Bon; the hooded in the graveyard.
The picturesque Higashiyama snowfalls,
built out of the infamous Tin Bombing;
the blanketed slopes of the temple in Chion;
Buddhist Meiji responding not in Nakagyo;
the temple serving as his own personal Villa,
fanning out of the eastern court.

The special were there.

Rental monkeys bomb

the tranquility of Kyoto.

Rustle along in Spring;

the standing re-placed.

Even in Kyoto

they longed for Kyoto

when the bloggers blogged.

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