Poem: Okunoin, Koyasan

Poem on entering the sacred garden.
The cemetery at Koya-san, known as Okunoin, where Shingon sect founder Kobo Daishi is buried (photo by Preston Houser)

Okunoin, Koyasan / 奥の院、高野山

One enters this sacred garden alone
Finding one’s way by learning to read
The resonating air surrounding the stone

Consulting a tome or charting a zone 
Unknown home where paths may lead
One enters this sacred garden alone 

By demolishing the knower knowing and known
Scant satori when the soul has freed
The resonating air surrounding the stone

The hum of tombs a collective moan
That moves the mind through wind and weed
One enters this sacred garden alone

Dancing to drum of skull and flute of bone
A malignant music that all must heed
The resonating air surrounding the stone

For these reasons must one atone
And take to heart this cosmic creed
One enters this sacred garden alone
The resonating air surrounding the stone
—Preston Keido Houser, 2019

For other poems by Preston, please click here or here.

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