Book Review: Kyoto-Dwelling, by Edith Shiffert

Description and link to one of Edith Shiffert's poetry collection.

Arranged around the calendrical year, the poems detail the poet’s life month by month.  She had first moved to Kyoto in 1963, living first on Yoshidayama before moving to ‘several cold rooms at one end of one of the many subsidiary temples of Myoshinji’.  She then moved to the northeast, near Takaragaike, then up near Kamigamo Shrine.  Finally she settled for nine years in a house on the west bank of the Takano River.  Then two years in a new apartment block.

Kyoto-Dwelling: A Year of Brief Poems (Tuttle, 1967) by Edith Shiffert

Also see Steiner on Shiffert now

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