Wisdom Crazed Poet

A collection of poems from A.J. Dickinson.

Cinnamon Man:
Portrait of a Reprobate Mutt
A Rogue an Outlaw a Rake
A Poetry Man a Story Listener
A Tuneful TalkStory Sensualist

A LifeLoving Sexual Danger Dawg
With a Sharp Social Conscience
A Renegade Artist

a bloodiedRazor
A Big Dog a Big Ol’ Gristly Dog

Out of This Here Swirling Vastness
Here Hear Formless Form Suchness Presence
Pleasuring Dangerous Mad Bad Wild SensualSexual Ecstasy


GoingDown WholeEarth HeartJob GangBangers
TalkStory SpokenWord HeadJob RapCrew
The Poetry Man Inside Knowing Every meYou

this morning air

this morning air
softer now
fresh green
coming out

cherry blossoms
floating like snow
fall all over

in the wind
on the earth
into the waters

Wonder Full

wonderful this call
of songbirds
awakening fresh
this day this dawn

first rays

first rays
new fresh green
on the pond
in the stream

always here

always here
this clear deep
blue sky sea

always here
every us/you/me

that small star

that small star
i last saw
at dawn light
was that
the same star
at dusk’s horizon
kissing open
the night


Fragments of light
Swirl merge dance unbind release
Our refractions our fears
Our turning prisms
Our kisses our tears

This magnetic full spectrum
Quantum continuum
Being’s eye view
of all
of us
of this
as it is

Our stage brief swirl
Our moment here world

Our vast

Our warm

Our blueSkyAwareness

Behind beneath
Permeating energizing

This Infinite Great Love

This Intrinsic Great Awareness

This Inherent Great View

Just This

This graces
me/we/you too

Just as I AM
Just as it is

in the wind     

the temples are far away now
the caves too
in the wind

went in the wind
caressing the earth
with bare feet

seeking knowing
undergoing such stints
in sacred spaces

in the wind
all in the wind

so many lovers
such wonderful secret smiles
skin shining so soft beyond velvet

so many memories
touching feeling each taste
as if yesterday as if last night

in the wind
all in the wind

i’ve lived my life in the wind
went in the wind so young
these years going in the wind too

Himalayas Sierras Appalachians
behind now looking out from
my fourth floor one room walk up

above a noodle factory
backstreet Kyoto canal below
such brief shining beauty

this riot of cherry blossoms
for the heart the eyes the spirit
before rains and wind take them

take all
our white hairs
our longing skin too

in the wind
all in the wind

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